Uncontaminated Oil & Oil Filters
Recycling Program
Doing your part to recycle your used motor oil may seem like a drop in the bucket, but it all adds up to a cleaner and safer environment.
The Importance of Recycling Used Oil
In California, used oil is a hazardous waste. One gallon of improperly disposed oil can contaminate one million gallons of water. It is illegal to discharge any oil into the sewers, drainage systems, surface or groundwater, or to deposit it on land, unless otherwise authorized by law. One in five households in California may be dumping used oil illegally. For more information on used oil recycling, check out the California Integrated Waste Management Board’s website.
You Can Participate in Used Oil Recycling By
- Draining oil into a clean container with a tight fitting cap (such as an empty milk or water jug).
- Not mixing the recovered oil with any other liquid, and making sure the oil is free of dirt, leaves, and other debris.
- Taking oil to one of the used oil collection sites. Find a certified site convenient for you through the index at: http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/UsedOil/Centers/ (Do not transport more than 20 gallons of used oil in 5-gallon containers at one time).
Each center accepts up to 20 gallons of uncontaminated used motor oil, in containers no larger than 5 gallons each, per person, per day. Certified centers will accept used motor oil at no charge and offer a recycling incentive of 16 cents per gallon. Please call first to confirm participation and hours of collection.